eorþ-æppel: An earth-apple, a cucumber
eorþ-berie: A strawberry
eorþ-cafer: A earth-beetle
eorþ-crypel: A creeper on the earth, one having the palsy, a paralytic person
eorþ-græf: A hole dug in the earth, a ditch, well
eorþ-gráp: Earth’s grasp, the hold of the grave
eorþ-hús: An earth-house, den, cave
eorþ-ling: A farmer
eorþ-mata: An earth-worm
eorþ-mistel: The plant basil
eorþ-rest: A resting or lying on the ground
eorþ-tilia: An earth-tiller, husbandman
eorþ-tilþ: Earth-tillage
eorþ-weg: An earth-way
eorþ-wéla: Earth-wealth, fertility
middan-eard: The middle dwelling, the abode of men, the earth
mistel-tán1: Mistletoe
The Anglo-Saxon tán also means twig and toe. ↩︎